The Lazy Bastard Custom Contest (The Results)

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Dec 102013


From the desk of Robowang:

“Category 1: Serious Figure

Alright, we have some WINNERS! There were a few that were still pretty great, but didn’t quite make it for various reasons ranging from “that’s just a headswap even if it IS awesome” to “I just don’t like the look, sorry.”

1st Place Serious category : U-Turn by Tim 121RVC – I frickin’ want this figure. VERY cool! That how you pull off a unified LBC color scheme!

1st Place Humorous category : Blowjob by wildweasel – Hilarious looking, and a pretty funny bio. The idea of GIJoe having to make financial cuts makes me laugh for some reason

2nd Place Serious category : Blind Wolf by Galen – Love the concept, looks great, and a very nice bio.

2nd Place Humorous category : Captain LBC by 5h4rk – Simply ridiculous

3rd Place Serious category : Sidewinder by Ska_Lives – I like the overall look a lot, and I’m not a huge fan of “realism.” The part in the bio about Cobra being pissed he took the codename first won me over.

3rd Place Humorous category : Quailman by Indiana Joe – Okay, the fact someone even thought to make a Doug Funnie action figure is pretty darn creative AND ludicrous.”


Jan 212013

Big congratulations go out to all of our customizers who participated in Flint’s CCC2012 contest. Huge props are in order for the two big winners:

Best Joe character re-imagined in the Star Wars universe: lluczWild Bill X-Wing Pilot

Best Star Wars character re-imagined in the Joe universe: TanksterIG-88 Reimagined as Ignatious Gedeon

Best Character Biography: iDz Bowl Cobra BSAT (Biker Scout Android Trooper)

Participant’s Prize: Tankster and Majesty_77

OG13 Staff Award: Lowlight27 and Tankster

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Jan 022013

Congratulations go out to Jogunwarrior for winning OG13’s Custom of the Month challenge for December, with his ARAH Hit and Run! It was a VERY close race, with ozzie92 coming in 2nd place by only a single vote! You guys all did an amazing job. I cannot wait to see what you bring to the table in January!


Aug 072012

Viper6 has released the list of winners for the “Final Words” fan fiction contest. Please congratulate the winners below.

1st Place – Neuspeaq will be receiving a figure and fodder lot.

2nd Place – Hobbyhobbs finished a strong second, and elected to receive the comics package.

3rd Place – Pitviper is receiving a Season2 Sunbow DVD 3 disc set!

There were some outstanding stories amongst this group, and we have some ridiculously creative people on this site. I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the pleasures that come with reading, writing, and creating your own worlds. Even if you are a first time writer, I encourage you to visit our writing thread (Dipping Your Quill) and try your hand at the written word. You might surprise yourself! – darkwise


[Click to Read the Contest Entries]