Feb 252013

From our buddy, Troops of Doom:

Troops of Doom is 5 years old today, with 523 comics and 118 extra photos to date. Plus a whole lot of ridiculous nonsense.

The next five episodes will feature “Become a Troop of Doom” contests where readers can have a character named after them and have a recurring role in the comic. Lots of figures to choose from: ARAH, VVV, Collector’s Club, 25A, Resolute, POC, 30A, Renegades, Retaliation and Star Wars. Something for everyone.

Troops of Doom is an action figure webcomic featuring GI Joe battling Star Wars for Lego technology. Launched in February 2008 and updated as often as possible Monday to Friday. Check it out for a laugh.

I’m always interested to hear any comments, critiques or questions you have about the series.
