May 052013

Here we are in the 2nd installment of PV’s Spotlight. Initially I had wanted to focus on Joes for the 1st little while and then move onto some other cool toys here and there. I am a HUGE fan of the Rambo line from Coleco and when I found out Kayfabe was, and that he had a pretty bitchin’ collection of figures I had to shift gears and get these bad boys some spot light! So without further ado….

Kayfabe’s RAMBO Collection!!!!


Click here for more!!

Feb 132013


From the desk of Phantom Stranger:

In the beginning there was the Presence. We do not know where the Presence came from, or even what it is, it merely exists. The Presence is the creator and cause of the Big Bang and everything in the multi-verse, Gods, aliens, humans, creation itself.

Certain aspects of his being were split into three. His wrath, Galid , who would later become Elipso, his mercy, Radiant, and his vengeance, which would eventually become The Spectre.
The first form of the Spectre was early in the universe, three seconds after creation, a rebellion occurred, started by Lucifer. Those that rebelled were cast down, becoming demons, but one returned, Aztar. He came to the one some humans would call, Michael.

Aztar begged for forgiveness, willing to accept any punishment the Presence seen fit. The Presence chose Aztar to be merged with his divine wrath, becoming a vessel, but the cost would mean everything he was would be burned clean, his memories, his personality, he would be little more than a shell. Aztar accepted, if albeit regrettably, thus the Spectre-force was born.

The true reason the Presence did this was because he foresaw Galid becoming untrustworthy. In contrast to Galid, the Proto-Spectre as we shall call him, worked more as a spirit of vengeance, being more discerning in whom was punished, whereas Galid was pure destruction.


Dec 252012

From the desk of Phantom Stranger:

Before we begin, I’d like to point out this was pretty much the subject that started the Showcase section. I was replying to a question about the origins of Christmas over in BoB. I went over it from Yule to Rome and briefly the Victorian era. This one is going to be covering a lot more but still compact by most standards.

The Norse celebrated a holiday called Yule, this took place around Dec 21st. Activities included slaughtering the year’s bounty of animals for meat, Yule singing, and of course the Yule Log. The men (normally fathers and sons) would go out and find the biggest log they could find to bring back home to light aflame. The log was symbolic of warmth in the dead of winter, and it was said that every ember was to be a new animal born in the coming years spring. During the 12 days the log burned, feasting was abundant, as winter was one of the few times meat was is good supply. Also dragged in were Evergreen Trees, a symbol that even when the year is at it’s lowest, life can endure.

In Germany the Norse God Odin was believed to take nocturnal flights to decide who would prosper in the coming year and who would perish. The children would leave vegetables and sweets snacks for Odin’s horse, Sleipnir. In return for the act of kindness, Odin would leave gifts or candy in the clogs or boots of the children…


Sep 262012

Long time customizer, but brand new OGer, Vitruvianpro makes an IMMEDIATE splash in our black and green waters. Prepare for sensory overload, and take a look at his vision of your favourite Joes, as they should have been made.