Dungeons & Dragons: Tyranny of Dragons is Coming!

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May 192014

entertainment news

I cannot speak for anyone else, but AD&D shaped a formative part of my years, especially my focus on writing and creativity. Some odd number of years ago, I fell away from gaming in general, but whether it has been through the random computer game, DDO, a quick jaunt through a fantasy novel, or discussions with friends, I’ve always maintained a love for the genre. Speaking with buddies at the convention this year, I know a lot of you feel the same way. Wizards of the Coast has just dropped words of new offerings for 2014.  

From their site:

May 19, 2014 – Renton, WA – Today, Wizards of the Coast kicked off a pivotal year for Dungeons & Dragons, unveiling new serialized entertainment offerings that will bring the upcoming Tyranny of Dragons storyline to life as well as announcing the D&D Player’s Handbook,Monster Manual and Dungeon Master’s Guide for the highly-anticipated new rules set for the D&D tabletop roleplaying game. Together, these new offerings will command the attention of digital and tabletop RPG players alike, setting the foundation for the future of the brand and powering incredible, action-packed play experiences for fans.

First out of the gates for Tyranny of Dragons digital offerings will be a new module for the highly-acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons MMO,Neverwinter, from Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment. The new module, aptly titled Tyranny of Dragons, will be the premier digital Dungeons & Dragons experience for players and will launch on August 14, 2014.

“We’ve had an incredible time being a key part of the Dungeons & Dragons experience,” said Jack Emmert, CEO and Co-Founder of Cryptic Studios. “Building Neverwinter has been an outstanding journey for our companies. With the new Tyranny of Dragons module, bothNeverwinter and the larger Dungeons & Dragons franchise will continue to be the most compelling fantasy adventure for players new and old.”

For players eager to sink their teeth into the Tyranny of Dragons storyline around the gaming table, two new tabletop adventures will also release this year. Hoard of the Dragon Queen (August 19) and The Rise of Tiamat (October 21) will take players into the depths of the dragon’s lair, pitting them against Tiamat, the most fearsome dragon in D&D’s history.”

Click through below to read the entire article and discuss.
