OG-One-Three Filecards: David

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Dec 012013

Spotlight Splash (primary)

Moving  right along  down the line of prolific OG13 members, this interview we take a look at chat with someone who I consider a friend. I also consider this interview one  the best overall reads I had the pleasure to be a part of.  Click his name to read the David interview.

OG-One-Three Filecards continue!! (Nordland)

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Sep 032013

Spotlight Splash (primary)

Welcome to another installment of the OG files! It’s with great honor that I get to turn the spotlight on to one of my favorite forum members, Nordland! I don’t think anyone here has such a unique collection. I’ve seen everything from Palitoy Star Wars, o-ring Joes, some awesome 12″ stuff and of course my personal favorite, your Judge Dredd books! So let’s get right to it and see how OG’ers get along across the pond.

1. Hey brother! Let start by thanking you once again for dropping the 2000AD knowledge in the Judge Dredd section and helping me get a solid collection going. With that is it safe to say that Dredd was Nordland’s first love in the collecting world? What are your earliest memories of comics, figures and such? How old were you when it got it’s hooks in?

Nordland: Hey bro! Thanks for inviting me to do this, it’s an honour to be chosen for the spotlight.

Let’s keep this thing going and meet all the members that make OG13 the best, most unique place in the whole damn hobby!!!  Kick back, grab a pint and click below to catch up with our brother across the pond, Nordland!!


The OG Files: Chapter 1 (Unclassified)

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Jul 162013

Spotlight Splash (primary)

I stumbled across the 1st of the OG Files that Byrnes had done with Unclassified and thought it was great! So great that it should be front paged and also followed up with another one.  If anyone is interested in getting some spotlight/front page time, simply reach out to Byrnes or PV and make sure you send a pic.

For now, on behalf of Byrnes, I present Chapter 1 of the OG Files. The best/worst person on the internet: Unclassified


MUSIC: Daft Punk: Random Access Memories (PitViper)

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Jun 182013

news movies television entertainment

As you all know by now, the members at OG13 have a vast amount of interests outside of toys. We strongly encourage discussions of all types here, and showcase the “good-stuff” regardless on the genre. With that said, music provides an ongoing soundtrack to our lives, whether we are driving, working out, watching movies, or opening Joes. What is it that currently inspires you musically? One man shares his answer…

A review set to the tune of PitViper and his white-noise filters:

Some of you know this, some of you dont, I don’t listen to just metal. Actually I f’ng love a lot of music from the 70’s. The tones and overall feel of many of the songs from early Elton John to disco and funk just has a feel to it to me that you can sink your teeth into, it’s a very tangible thing. The last few years I find myself listening to soundtracks in the same way I cue up an old Iron Maiden album. I just dig big orchestrated sounds that take you back to a scene or a feeling you had when you watched that scene..make any sense?

Ok so fuck all of that. I spent the last 2 days with R.A.M pumping into my headphones. I had purchased the radio edit of Get Lucky when it came out and that was all I knew about this record. Pharrell was doing guest vocals (and sounding like Off The Wall era Michael Jackson) Nile Rodgers was playing guitar and it was produced by Giorgio Moroder. For those that don’t know Nile Rodgers was the guitarist of Chic..as in “Freak Out” and basically invented disco guitar and somewhat reinvented the pop guitar by playing a lot of weird chord inversions that…well they kind of sound like shit until they have music surrounding them. David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”–that’s him, and that’s a chord inversion. Giorgio Morodor is the composer of the Scarface soundtrack, Never Ending Story, Midnight Run and a slew of other crap. He also modernized the synthesizer. Knowing all of this I figured “man now THAT is a friggin collaboration!”…and I was right. However, if you only downloaded the radio edit of Get Lucky, you have jipped yourself. It’s a shell of the original version.

This album to me does what all awesome albums and soundtracks do, it kind of takes you someplace. Brings you back to that “scene”. It’s not typical Daft Punk, it’s very very musical with live instrumentation blended with synth, vocoder, deep lyrics and it’s own feel. While most of it is very upbeat and just in time for Summer there are some really deep tracks that actually are a bit too “heavy” for my mood of late.

So now, I’ll give you the rundown track by track.

1. Give Life Back To Music: Awesome track, BIG sound. I can’t stress “big”. If the Rocky theme and P-Funk had a kid, this might be what came out. Great live, upbeat sound with very pronounced instruments. It’s a great way to start the album.


PitViper Presents Spotlight & Showcase: Starbuck’s Toxo-Squad!

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Jun 082013

It’s that time again folks! The time where one of you degenerates actually has something worth showing off to the rest of us degenerates.  This S&S features a guy who has been a staple in the collecting community and whose customs are a a bit different than the stuff we’re used to seeing…..enjoy!!!

Click Here! 

May 052013

Here we are in the 2nd installment of PV’s Spotlight. Initially I had wanted to focus on Joes for the 1st little while and then move onto some other cool toys here and there. I am a HUGE fan of the Rambo line from Coleco and when I found out Kayfabe was, and that he had a pretty bitchin’ collection of figures I had to shift gears and get these bad boys some spot light! So without further ado….

Kayfabe’s RAMBO Collection!!!!


Click here for more!!

Apr 232013

As we continue forward with growth and progress in our second year, we find ourselves more and more in need of quality help with managing the site and content here at OG13. The more users, the more threads, and the more posts that we process, the more hands we need with handling administrative duties on both the site, and the front page. With that said…

Please welcome PitViper and Jericho Noleski to the OG13 family of staffers. Both men are long time members of the collecting community, and their freaking outstanding taste in music has nothing to do with why they have been promoted (yes, it does, it means everything!).

These two bring an extensive resume of toy fare, comics, music, and all kinds of media lore. They are both stand-up guys, who have done so much to help the site grow and keep our members happy (yes, I see the double entendre).

It took Flint and I all of 20 seconds to make this decision.

Welcome, brothers!


Apr 152013

From the desk of PitViper:

PitViper Presents: Spotlight & Showcase

Welcome to a new thread where I will be doing a Q&A with selected brothers to talk about a specific item or part of their collection. During Joecon, I had purchased the Valvor vs Venom “Crimson Brigade”. While in my room on Saturday night, Krisk and Mrs. Krisk stopped in and he showed me a few pics of his epic Crimson collection on his phone. With that, the seed was planted and I knew I wanted to start with him.

So without further ado, let’s Krisk some ass!!


Apr 082013

From the desk of PitViper:

This morning was bitter sweet…and foggy with a mild headache and cottonmouth. Still there was something bothering me more than that and I knew a few bottles of water, Advil and a quick escalator trip to Starbucks wouldn’t really help what was bothering me more than a mild hangover and 4 hrs of sleep. It was reality and the fact that after 48 hours of hanging out with the most legit mother fuckers I have ever met, we’d all be heading far away from each other and there is a good chance it won’t be until a year or so that we hook it up again.

This kind of disappointment and subtle sadness actually started late on Saturday night when Darkwise headed out early and CodeNameFlint said when he woke up he was leaving. I knew there wasn’t another night of a real life B.O.B. until next con and that bothered and still does bother me. Seriously, this morning packing everything up was probably the closest I got to getting “emotional” in a long time. As I packed and straightened up my room I just kept thinking “this sucks, I wish we had one more day.” Knowing festivities were coming to an end I hoped in the shower and made yet another want list before I headed down to the con for a final sweep and score.


(there is a person-by-person thank you/review in here, so if you went, you need to read this!)

Mar 292013

PitViper steps into the Player’s Club and gives his perspective on G.I. Joe, Retaliation!

First and foremost, Retaliation is a tremendous leap forwards from Rise of Cobra. ROC, to me, is just a dumpster fire from beginning to end. While Retaliation may not be the greatest movie in the history of film, it’s a damn fun movie with a lot to offer a hardcore Joe fan that isn’t your typical angry fanboy that’s going to bitch because Cobra Commander’s underwear are different in this than they were on his original figure 30 years ago.

Speaking of Cobra Commander…


Dec 182012

Enter now to win a 90 card basic set of Walking Dead comic cards. All you have to do is review 10 comics and you could claim this fantastic set of cards!

Enter the Pit of Nerds and start reviewing  now!

[Click To Enter The Swag Bag Review Link]

Nov 122012

The Pit of Nerds Comic Mod PitViper has officially challenged you!

Think you can draw?

Got what it takes to create a comic page?

Then enter the Pit and show off your skills!



Sep 202012

Into comics?

Then check out the Pit of Nerds! A fantastic place to get News, Reviews, Artwork, and the latest on all comic related stuff! Not a member yet? Then maybe it is time to join the brotherhood at OG13.com and enjoy the best website around for all things NERDY!




Sep 072012

Were you aware that OG13 hosts a cornucopia of  talented authors? From fan fiction, to published works, to round robins, to competitions, OG13 is the proud home to Dipping Your Quill in Ink; a tip of the hat to the glory days of literature. Are you looking for something new to read? Do you want to show off your own work? Are you interested in learning the craft and taking a shot at producing your own tales?

Step inside our hallowed halls, where you will find talent/works such as:

Are you ready to contribute, or just immerse yourself in another world? Open your eyes, hold your breath, and jump.


Aug 222012

From the desk of PitViper:

“Ok guys this is it! No more bio posting, this is the thread for author’s to post their FINISHED Filecard Submission!

No more BIOS can be here and will be removed!

This thread is for submissions ONLY!! Whatever you post is your entry!!!

Authors may post ONE Filecard entry!!!

The winner will be announced sometime after the weekend of 8/24/12

Good luck…time to make an OGer a LEGEND!!!!”