Kayfabe Presents: OGW Friday Night War!!! (Wrestling)

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Aug 312013


Hot off the dissension following SummerSpam, Kayfabe has had enough of Head McMahon’s politics, and has taken a significant portion of the roster with him to create OGW! Lines are being drawn in the sand, and sides are being chosen. When the war starts, and blood stains the street red, which side of the battle will you be found on?

From the desk of Kayfabe:

Welcome everyone to the premiere episode of Friday Night War!!! This is the home of OGW: A Very Different Kind of Internet Wrestling Federation, and I am the voice of OGW, Red Herring! Let’s get the show underway…

What’s this? Looks like there’s a van parked outside…

That must be the Macho Van!!! Does that mean Macho Van has really decided to follow the EXODUS from the HWF to OGW? Hopefully we’ll find out tonight.

Right now, let’s turn our attention to the ring where it looks like the HWF’s tag team champions, BRUTAL KNIVES, have taken center stage. Rambo’s Hunting Knife has the stick and I think he’s going to talk. Let’s listen in…

Rambo’s Hunting Knife: “I want, what you want, what everyone wants… For my country, to love me, as much as I, love my country… Eternian Wrecking Crew… get your asses in here… because me and Brutal Beatdown, are putting our tag team championship straps, on the line, just so we can get a piece of you…

Tough talk from the tag team champions. Will the Eternian Wrecking Crew respond? Click below to read more!
