Jul 262012

Ages 25 & Up has come to OG13, and now is your chance to follow the historic comic from issue 01!

From 1337W422102:

“Hey, fellas. (Evenin’, ladies. How are you?)

I’m 1337W422102, pronounced “leet warrior,” but friends understandably call me Numbers. I enjoy kicking ass, chewing bubblegum, and wishing that I had Jessie’s girl.

For about four years now, I’ve been making a weekly online comic using (primarily) G.I. Joe figures, and I thought I’d bring it here. Basically, it started as a way for me to show my friends, “Hey, look what I finally found up here in Canada!” when the 25th Anniversary figures started, and slowly became a way for a broke-ass student to justify toy purchases. (“I’ll just make a story about this character in the comic, yeah, that’s it!”)

At any rate, join me as I spam up this thread with my comics, which, I assure you, get better as time goes on.

Here’s the first story arc, which ran from August 23 to September 12, 2008. So buckle up and get ready to hit 88 MPH. Dig in and let me know what you think.”

[Click to Read More!]