Aug 232012

Regardless of how certain of our members feel about other sites, or how certain members of other sites feel about our hallowed halls, some items cross boundaries and words need to be spoken. It is with a heavy heart that I report on the disbanding of the Mercenaries. Starbuck (the first MERC) brought this to our attention via a neutral facebook group (I am not naming it out of respect for SB, in case the group shouldn’t be named), and I wanted to pass it on here.

As many of you know, Flint and I met on the MERC team, and the very foundation and principles of OG13 were constructed on the common bond that all of us former (and current[now former]) MERCs shared. When I joined the team, Uninvited Ghost has the unglorious job of leading the team. I say unglorious, because until you have lead them team during the game, you have no idea how much work, stress, and sacrifice goes into it. Flint and I joined the team command as Captains, and pulled our final two games as Co-Leads, sharing in the duties while being assisted by Zarana (wondrapost!) and Samuntrus. After we left the team, Sammy took over and did a great job in recruiting and keeping the team together on spit, glue and prayer. All of us sacrificed for the team, because at the core, we all shared the same philophies on brotherhood and family. It is those philosophies that we brought with us here, to create OG13.  

I do not know if team MERC will receive a glorious sendoff. I do not know if they will be thanked and recognized. I do not know if they will join other teams or form a new one. What I do know, is that they deserve a rich, well-earned, and earnest round of applause, a salute, and bro-hugs from each and every one of us. Had there been no MERCs, there would be no OGers. So to every one of you that I served with, please accept these words as a tribute, and as a thank you. You were my brothers on the battlefield, and you are my brothers in life.

Special thanks and honour to: alcinde4, bvh, byrnes, chief cwo, cobralalalala, darkseid83, dawbanger, dealer destro, drunknmunky, flint (071), icewolf, jericho noleski, kingbio, kingsurlycrab, kiwiflint, laurenluna1977, lody, lowlight27, lucard123, marine-73, mister-x, provost, roxxstar, samuntrus, sonofmindbender, starbuck, svt_cobra, templar baggins, tofuninja, uninvited ghost, van hammer, zarana

If I missed any of you that I served with, I am sorry. It is not that you didn’t make a difference, because you ALL did.

From cobralalalala:
“Attention Players.After exactly 12 games, the Mercenaries team is hereby Officially disbanded.
I thank all of you for your service, you will not be forgotten. I truly did love this team.

You Contract is now complete.”