The Lazy Bastard Custom Contest (The Results)

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Dec 102013


From the desk of Robowang:

“Category 1: Serious Figure

Alright, we have some WINNERS! There were a few that were still pretty great, but didn’t quite make it for various reasons ranging from “that’s just a headswap even if it IS awesome” to “I just don’t like the look, sorry.”

1st Place Serious category : U-Turn by Tim 121RVC – I frickin’ want this figure. VERY cool! That how you pull off a unified LBC color scheme!

1st Place Humorous category : Blowjob by wildweasel – Hilarious looking, and a pretty funny bio. The idea of GIJoe having to make financial cuts makes me laugh for some reason

2nd Place Serious category : Blind Wolf by Galen – Love the concept, looks great, and a very nice bio.

2nd Place Humorous category : Captain LBC by 5h4rk – Simply ridiculous

3rd Place Serious category : Sidewinder by Ska_Lives – I like the overall look a lot, and I’m not a huge fan of “realism.” The part in the bio about Cobra being pissed he took the codename first won me over.

3rd Place Humorous category : Quailman by Indiana Joe – Okay, the fact someone even thought to make a Doug Funnie action figure is pretty darn creative AND ludicrous.”
