Mar 152013

From the desk of Flint:

Well BROTHERS and SISTERS, we did it, we survived a year on this crazy thing called the interwebz.

And now I pose a question to you all…


The question is simple.

Help to Determine the Fate of the 52 Weeks of Free Figures Contest for 2013!!!

To ENTER to Win this weeks Prize you must VOTE in the Survey and then Leave Feedback for the Contest in this Thread.

And by feedback I mean the following, answer one or all of the questions:

1.) Do you love the contest?
2.) Do you hate the contest?
3.) What can we offer as prizes in the future?
4.) Would you as a member want to give your own prizes away as a guest host?
5.) Is there something else we should be doing?

This Contest Runs from today, March 14, 2013 through March 20, 2013.

A Winner will be announced on Wednesday March 20th after 8:PM EST.

:::THE SWAG:::

Dollar Store Wave 1 Cobra Commander



Jan 252013

Our very own mister-x has reported that the Wave 2 figures that were expected to hit Dollar General, are now showing up at Marshall’s discount department stores in Indiana. Even though he missed Storm Shadow and Shipwreck, he was able to buy the others at the price point of $4.99!!


Dec 172012

Krisk’s DG-Triggerman Contest

From the desk of krisk:

Okay, to qualify for the K’s DG-Triggerman Contest, you must post 100 times in here (Pay It Forward thread) before 7pm, Wednesday Dec. 19 night Eastern US time!!
I would like to have at least 15 people qualified for this round.

Counting up to the 100 posts, each of your posts should indicate the number you are at…ie- post 001, post 002, post 050, yadda…up to post 100!!


bandonov017 Hey guys.
bandonov018 Is the contest still going?


THIS CONTEST is for a complete set of Dollar General figures, will be shipped loose, via USPS!


Aug 032012

From ICON:

“This is the Universal Community Thread to provide relief and aid to GI Joe Collectors world wide who cannot locate exclusive “DG Joes” at their local DOLLAR GENERAL stores.

The rules here are simple:

1. You simply request to be added, stating your name and which figures you want.One of each figure is what we start with to ensure everyone gets a fair shot to own them all.

2. This Effort/Mission is meant for everyday Collectors, not scalpers/resellers. This is a small Community, we all know each other in a “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” kind of way. This is a COMMUNITY effort, NOT a profit generator. If you ask for help and the product shows up on ebay, you will be reported as such and word will spread quickly amongst your fellow collectors and peers.

3. If you receive help, pay it forward and give help. The term “Pay it forward” applies to toys, but also to your everyday life. We are a Community and as such, we help each other in time of need. It could be an action figure, it could be a shoulder to lean on. Don’t be a selfish jerk….you are here to be a part of COMMUNITY..if you want to just be another person posting on a website, there are a million of those to be had.

4. Items are to be provided at cost plus shipping. A fair allowance for fuel and time may be accepted and agreed upon by Contributor and Receiver…”



[Click to Read More and Find Your Dollar General Exclusive Joes]