The OG13 Charity Figure v2 Recipient Is…

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Mar 312015

charity charities

C.O.M.B.A.T. (Charitable Organization Mobile Battle Android Trooper)

Welcome to version 2 of OG13’s charity figure drive. This year, we will be donating all profits to a single OGer in need, who will be revealed at the end of this endeavour. 100% of the figures, accessories, casting, molds, paint, labels, money, and time came directly from our charity crew. This was 100% OGer funded and driven!

It’s my honor to present this year’s recipent of the 2014, umm, ish Charity Figure fund raising.

This gentleman is a great member of the OG13 family and a wonderful family man in real life as well. He is a customizer of many skills and leads one of our customs groups. Without going into detail of what happened to him, and just saying that when the discussions of who should we show our gratitude to and spread some cheer, one name came up first, often and was a easy decision for us.

We were going to present him this gift at Joecon but decided he could use the funds for Joecon expenses. We will be presenting him with the C.O.M.B.A.T. Charity figure, #1 of 50, during our time at this years Joecon.

So without any further rambling……..2014-ish Award goes to:

Miguel “Jpnx” Rios……..

Congratulations from us and thank you for being a part of our OG13 family!


The Syndicate Customs Group Fundraiser Sale!

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Mar 202015

charity charities

From the desk of Byrnes:

“Looking to help raise some money for a good cause. I’ve asked the members to post their customs for sale here. I’ll leave the details of the sales up to each member. I’ll update the first post with info throughout the thread so you can get a quick look.”



The Medd Project by Angel Forge

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Mar 142015

Our good friends at AngelForge have let us know about an opportunity to help lift the spirits of a really, really great human being who has been a longstanding pillar of the community, and can really use some positivism in his life.

From XOC2008:

“You guys know Meddatron, and he’s had some major health things come up lately. I don’t want to say more than that, because it’s not my place, but I wanted to add that what we do I guarantee will be appreciated for a long time to come. And sure, he may see this post, so be it.

You guys have your charity thing, and this isn’t really that. Some of us at Angelforge and an the 118th (so far) are going in on a group project for Medd. It doesn’t have to be strictly customs, though a lot of us are working on stuff like that. If you want to participate, feel free to join AF’s forum if you haven’t, and come to the thread here:…e-medd-project.

Even if you can’t actively participate but have some ideas that you might want to toss our way, we’d appreciate it. Thanks!

If you get a chance, click through the URL below and see if you are inspired. Meddatron is seriously one of the great ones.


OG13 Charity Figure v2: Reveal and Order Signup! [Codename: COMBAT]

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Mar 092015

C.O.M.B.A.T. (Charitable Organization Mobile Battle Android Trooper)

Welcome to version 2 of OG13’s charity figure drive. This year, we will be donating all profits to a single OGer in need, who will be revealed at the end of this endeavour. 100% of the figures, accessories, casting, molds, paint, labels, money, and time came directly from our charity crew. This was 100% OGer funded and driven!

Sales Info:

  1. Limit ONE figure per person/household.
  2. Cost will be $30.00 for the figure, which INCLUDES US shipping (International Shipping will be the extra, ACTUAL cost of shipping)
  3. Send your Payment via Paypal Friends/Family to
    – if you select Paypal Goods, the price is $32.00
  4. Orders will start shipping the week of March 23rd.
  5. Orders can be delivered in person at JoeCon at the SAME $30.00 cost. There is no discount for personal delivery.
    – We encourage Convention delivery, so that all of the $30 goes to the recipient, not $30.00 minus shipping costs!
  6. 40 figures will initially be sold, with OTHER plans in store for the other 10.
  7. Place your order in THIS thread or via PM to Krisk.

Squadron of Hope: Helping Tammie

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Feb 042015

From the desk of: Vegabond/Vega Customz

“Squadron of Hope. Why are we doing this? Many people in the action figure collecting and customizing community know Mike Samsel, also known as “Bricks“. Mike’s sister, Tammie, was recently found unresponsive. She suffered significant brain damage and was taken off of life support last week. Unfortunately she has no life or health insurance, so her medical expenses will need to be paid out of pocket by her family.

Several customizers have come together to form Squadron of Hope. We are auctioning custom action figures and vehicles to raise money to help pay for Tammie’s medical expenses. Every penny raised will go directly to Mike to help the family through this tough time. Please click on our events tab, and bid on whatever you like, and know it will go to a good cause.

 Where and how to get involved:

Upcoming Mayhem Support Squad Teaser Poster…

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Jul 282014

charity charitiesAs most of you know, our Mayhem brother SBCobra, aka Sonny Hernandez has had some real life issues come up and needs some support from his friends. We at Mayhem Customs and our sponsors for this project, will be making a limited run of carded customs with 100% of the funds donated to Sonny to help try to get his life back together again. Details soon!

Stay Tuned to this link…

click for more

OG13 Charities: B.A.T. R&D Contest [VOTE NOW!]

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Mar 262014

charity charities

As previously announced, TheVP‘s contest to create new extensions for the B.A.T. figure has come to the inevitable voting phase. Please take a minute to look at the entries and vote, vote vote!

Per TheVP‘s original contest announcement:

OG13 Charities wants to see some new BAT attachments for a possible upcoming project. The attachments need to attach to a 25th/POC style BAT. Take a couple of pictures of it attached and not attached to the BAT and post it in this thread. On March 25th a poll will be added to be voted on by site members on which attachment is the best, it will be open for 3 days. If by chance there is a tie, The charities group will decide in house who the winner is. The winners could be featured in an upcoming charity project.”

In the interest of fairness, I am NOT posting a picture of any of the entries here, as we do not want to show favouritism. Go to the thread and vote for a single winner!


OG13 Charities: B.A.T. R&D Contest

 Charity, Contests, Customs  Comments Off on OG13 Charities: B.A.T. R&D Contest
Feb 252014

From the desk of TheVP:

The contest:

OG13 Charities wants to see some new BAT attachments for a possible upcoming project. The attachments need to attach to a 25th/POC style BAT. Take a couple of pictures of it attached and not attached to the BAT and post it in this thread. On March 25th a poll will be added to be voted on by site members on which attachment is the best, it will be open for 3 days. If by chance there is a tie, The charities group will decide in house who the winner is. The winners could be featured in an upcoming charity project.


1st place: $25 Cash via Paypal, Carded FSS Tollbooth and a 30th Zombie Viper, and a cast set of all three winners and if your piece is used in the project, credit on the cardback of the next Charity figure.
2nd place: Cast of each of the winners, $15 cash (Paypal), carded Retailiation Joe Trooper and possible credit on the card if your piece is used.

3rd place: Cast of each of the winners, $5 Cash (Paypal), possible credit on the card if your piece is used.”

Click View/Discuss below, for the entire comic (AWESOME WORK, VP!!), and full information on participation and prizes!


CONTEST: Triggerman Charity Event (by Daveviper)

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Dec 132013

Spotlight Splash (primary)

From the desk of Daveviper:

“Ok folks, so what is this all about I’m sure your wondering. First I will explain how you become eligible to play in the Triggerman charity contest.

To be able to win one of the three prizes in the first post you will need to make a small donation to the following paypal address   –  Very Important: Make sure to select: send money to friend or family.

And in the Subject Line please tell me who you are on OG13, this way I can see that your eligible to play in the Triggerman charity contest. Also feel free to post here in this thread that you donated.

Please donate at least a dollar, but more will be accepted. FYI donating more will not better your chances of winning. 

When the collection period is over, I will be posting up here the total that we raised. Then I will make a lump sum deposit to Toys For Tots via this website.…donation=form1

The donation to TFT will be made public here so all can see that their money went to the right place 

The Triggerman contest will start on December 15th at 5:30 pm Pacific time. This will be held earlier in the day so folks on the East Coast will be able to play also. Make sure to adjust for your time zone, so you don’t miss the contest.

The Triggerman contest will be played in the PIF Lounge.


click to enter

CHARITY: Wounded Warrior – H.i.S.S. GMR Tank (by SB Cobra)

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Oct 212013

Customs (use this one)

From the generous mind of SB Cobra:

“This is pretty straight forward. I put this up for auction/sale and %65 goes to the WWProject directly, %15 to cover shipping and fee’s, and the rest gets rolled over into buying another vehicle to keep building ’em 6-8weeks in rotation so I can keep giving to charity; specifically to Wounded Warrior and Ride to Recovery. These are two programs aimed to help out warfighter’s in their times of need. I can personally say that both are GREAT groups and charities that help more than can be expressed. They’ve helped me before, so now I’m doing what I can to give back.”


SPOTLIGHT: Charity Project: Mexico Outreach

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Oct 182013

CharitiesAs you may, or may not know, WifeofBH666 recently lost her job. Unfortunately, Beachhead666 lost his job several months before her, leaving them, and their daughter, without work at all.

Under normal circumstances, you might expect them to ask for assistance for themselves, but they are not. WifeofBH666 previously committed to going to a Mexican Outreach program through her church while she was still employed, as she could have afforded to pay to get there and back. Now that she is not working, she is asking for assistance to complete her own charitable obligations. So if we help her, we help others.

This is about helping a community in a country that can’t even afford to feed its own people. I’ve spent so much time in Mexico, and know how hard it is living on a $5 a DAY minimum wage.

From the church:

Mexico – Next trip: December 26 – January 2 (sign-up by October 1, cost is $450 per individual)
Over the past 10 years, we have sent over 800 people on short term mission trips. We were able to put up soccer goals, basketball hoops, swing sets, perform skits/dramas, offer children’s programs, support Pastor Juan, and mostly bring hope to the community.

UPDATE: We are about $100.00 from meeting our goal of $400.00! You guys are awesome. If anyone is interested in buying a MoC 25th and up collection from Viper6, he has offered to donate the last $100 needed! See inside for details.


CUSTOMS: Breast Cancer Awareness – H.I.S.S. Auction! (by Fire_Fly)

 Charity, Customs  Comments Off on CUSTOMS: Breast Cancer Awareness – H.I.S.S. Auction! (by Fire_Fly)
Oct 092013

Customs (use this one)

Our own, large-hearted hero of an OGer, Fire_Fly, has crafted two more Breast Cancer Awareness, and has placed the first on eBay.

100% of all profits made from the sale will be donated directly to the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Swing on by the eBay link if you are interested in helping the cause, or click view/discuss below to see the rest of his admirable work!





OG13: 2013 Charity Event – Revealed!!

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Aug 112013

As I mentioned before, recently, the senior staff members of OG13 found out that a couple of fellow members of OG13 were recovering from some life-altering events and we wanted to come up with a way to bring the whole community together to share support for these members (and the community) in general.

To accommodate this, we did:
– Customs Auctions
– Two Charity Raffles
– The official OG13 Custom Trooper (MoC)

And now, for the big reveal. We are not going to go into the details of what happened in these OGers life, as it is up to them to decide what they want shared on an Internet forum! They both absolutely deserved the assistance, and through the help of SO MANY of our amazing users, today, we split $1500.00 in half and sent $750 each to Serpiente Blanca and Dawbanger.

Thank you to ALL of you for making this happen. The outpouring of support was just incredible.  I am really, really proud of all of you!

Full disclosure: We have ANOTHER $500.00, as we raised just over $2000.00 overall, but we are using that $500.00 for shipping everyone’s figures to them. Whatever remains will go to two charities, unless we put it towards a 2nd run of the exclusive figures.

This is a really big list of the contributors, which includes everyone that donated their time, their money, their customs, their product, their efforts, etc… It is not a list of those who bought the figures, but those who gave up something for nothing (in many cases a LOT of something) in order to make this charity event possible. If I missed your name on the list, PLEASE let me know and I will add you.

  • alcinde4
  • Black Swan
  • Byrnes
  • codenameflint
  • Commander Crunch
  • Dark Perceptor
  • Darkwise
  • Ebenezer Swizzlesticks
  • england joe (Raffle Items)
  • Flint
  • Geared_Creations
  • Indiana Joe
  • Jericho Noleski (you are the effing man!)
  • Jhomar Soriano/ScruffyRonin
  • joefan76
  • Jogunwarrior
  • Kaedryl
  • Kokomo Toys/Todd Jordan
  • Krisk
  • kwobubba
  • Lantern Lad
  • Lowlight27
  • Marine73
  • Mayhem Custom
  • MOC Joes
  • narceron
  • Nerdsgetchicks
  • Ozzie92
  • Roxxstar
  • Subway
  • Taterbot Customs
  • The Syndicate
  • TheVP
  • Vitruvianpro
  • Windcharger


EXCLUSIVE: OG13 Trooper Figure (for Charity)

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Jul 252013


Recently, the senior staff members of OG13 found out that a couple of fellow members of OG13 were recovering from some life altering events and we wanted to come up with a way to bring the whole community together to share support for these members (and the community) in general. In addition to the custom auctions, and the two charity raffles, we decided on making an official OG13 Custom Trooper and sell a limited number of these figures to raise money to help ease the burdens our friends have suffered. We hope to continue this venture on a yearly basis, and this year it is all about our members, because without your support, we would never be where we are today! Yo G13!

As of 7/23, we have all 50 of the figures made, but only 6 of the cards/bubbles have been sent. We are waiting on mocJoes to complete the order of the cards.

Pre-orders have been fast and furious, so we have around 24 of the 50 left for sale.

  • 100% of the profits go to 2 OGers in need.
  • We will reveal both, as well as the exact amount of money raised/sent, at the end of this project.
  • We will provide a full list of sponsors, contributors, and participants.
  • The exclusives will be shipped AS the cards are received by mocJOES (theProcess). If you order, expect a wait as the cards are manufactured. If you cannot wait, or are the type to complain about the wait, then true charity might not be your reason for ordering!
  • All figures will be hand numbered, 1/50, 12/50, etc.

Here are ACTUAL shots of the exclusive figure and packaging:

And here is a huge thank you to all that participated in the making of this figure, and to all that donated their own figures, time, talent, money, and patience, to make this happen. If we missed anyone (and probably did), please let us know!

  • Krisk
  • Lowlight27
  • TheVP
  • Jhomar Soriano/ScruffyRonin
  • Mayhem Customs
  • Taterbot Customs
  • Kokomo Toys
  • MOC Joes
  • The Syndicate
  • Byrnes
  • Darkwise
  • Flint



84 FREE RAFFLE TICKETS From Jericho Noleski

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Jul 032013

Jericho Noleski  from the STAFF has graciously purchased 84 tickets $210 (raffle 2) to be given away to the OG13 community.Post that you would like a ticket to this raffle in this thread to be entered.

Deadline is midnight on July 4th.



 Prizes List:SW vintage collection Nien Nunb, Lumat, Darth Sidious (foil carded) Aurra Sing. Marvel Universe Nova. TF nightwatch Optimus Prime. Ironman 2 mark vl, Ultimate Armour. G I Joe poc Croc Master, roc Cobra Viper Commando, Retaliation G I Joe Trooper (blue gear)

And co-sponsored by:Commander Crunch

Prizes List: Wal-Mart boxed Batmobile with Batman DG wave 1 Storm Shadow Marvel Universe 2 pack of Cyclops/Phoenix

OG13 Charities Presents: Customs Auction (Round 2)

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Jun 202013

Have you ever seen a custom and said “That would be awesome to own” or posted the “Shut up and take my money” smiley?

Well, this is your chance to own another customizer’s greatness! Our very generous members/customizers are donating one of kind customs up for bid right now to go towards the OG13 Charity Fund. If you would like to bid, please read the instructions and PM Byrnes to help out the charity and take a shot at owning a fantastic custom for your collection.

[ VIEW & BID ]

OG13 Charity Raffle: Round Two

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Jun 202013

“The OG13 family has been called to duty. We are rounding up funds for a member of the community who has been a valued person and has given time and time again to many of us without asking for anything in return. Now it’s our turn to repay the the favor for all he’s done for us.

Every week we will be raffling off some FANTASTIC items.

Raffle #1 is finished and ROXXSTAR is the winner!! 

A big thank you to everyone that bought tickets and for helping us with this cause.

 Prizes List:SW vintage collection Nien Nunb, Lumat, Darth Sidious (foil carded) Aurra Sing. Marvel Universe Nova. TF nightwatch Optimus Prime. Ironman 2 mark vl, Ultimate Armour. G I Joe poc Croc Master, roc Cobra Viper Commando, Retaliation G I Joe Trooper (blue gear)

And co-sponsored by:Commander Crunch

Prizes List: Wal-Mart boxed Batmobile with Batman DG wave 1 Storm Shadow Marvel Universe 2 pack of Cyclops/Phoenix

[CLICK TO ENTER RAFFLE #2!!!] Charity Raffle (2 DAYS LEFT!!!)

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Jun 112013


“The OG13 family has been called to duty. We are rounding up funds for a member of the community who has been a valued person and has given time and time again to many of us without asking for anything in return. Now it’s our turn to repay the the favor for all he’s done for us.

Every week we will be raffling off some FANTASTIC items.



 Customs, Spotlight  Comments Off on OG13 AUCTION FOR CHARITY: CUSTOMS EVENT
Jun 112013

From Byrnes:

“The OG13 family has been called to duty. We are rounding up funds for a member of the community who has been a valued person and has given time and time again to many of us without asking for anything in return. Now it’s our turn to repay the the favor for all he’s done for us.

With that I will be hosting a customs auction. Bid as little or as much as you like. Please be fair and remember these are being donated and a lot of parts/time and effort went into these.

1. Auction/Charity for customs will run from 6/3 – 6/30. *Each customs will go up for a one week period to be bid on
2. PM me your bid and I will update thread.
3. Date stamp and time of PM will be winning bid up to last second of ending time
4. Payment must be made by Paypal(unless worked out before bidding with me)
5. Customizer will send custom figure only after payment is received by me.
6. If you would like to donate a new OR existing custom, please PM me.”