[CUSTOMS CONTEST] Large Project of the Year (VOTE NOW!)

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Jan 142017

contest contests


From the desk of ozzie92:

We are doing something new for 2017, changing COTM and Quarterlies; more info to come.

Meanwhile, we need your votes to determine the large custom project of the year! The winning customizer wins an SDCC tank or 2016 Joecon Cobra Hydra!

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Vote NOW for September’s Custom of the Month!

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Oct 102016

custom of the month


To celebrate September’s passing, eight customs go head-to-head in a grueling 5 day battle to determine their superiority and claim the title of Custom of the Month! Let’s show our support for all these fine customs by casting your votes. Check the nomination list and pics below, and you can follow the individual links for more, but be sure to return here to vote!

Voting is single choice, so make yours count!

Voting is single choice, so make yours count! 

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3rd Quarter Mt. Rushmore Custom Contest Masters of Mayhem: PLEASE VOTE!

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Oct 032016

contest contests

From the desk of ozzie92:

Total Rejects…it came down to only TWO entries this time around. Perhaps it was too ironic for our talented customers to work on a project destined to fail, lol. Please take a look and enjoy!

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Vote NOW for April’s Custom of the Month!

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May 082016

custom of the month


As April quietly exits stage left, a new Custom of the Month must be crowned! Many contestants lay claim to the title, but only one can win it all… and only YOU can decide the champion! Let’s show our support for all these fine customs by casting your votes. Check the nomination list and pics below, and you can follow the individual links for more, but be sure to return here to vote!

Voting is single choice, so make yours count! 

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[CONTESTS] The Tradition: 1st Quarter Custom Legends Contest – VOTING IS LIVE!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CONTESTS] The Tradition: 1st Quarter Custom Legends Contest – VOTING IS LIVE!
Apr 202016

contest contests

From the desk of ozzie92

“Late in the year, but NEVER too late to party like it’s 1999!

The Tradition’s 1st Quarter contest is wide open, so please vote for the custom that jumps out at you!”

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[CONTESTS] 2016 Custom Legends Contest, 1st Quarter: The Tradition

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CONTESTS] 2016 Custom Legends Contest, 1st Quarter: The Tradition
Apr 012016

contest contests

From the desk of ozzie92

Mt. Rushmore’s 2016 1st quarterly contest has a late start, but we’ll be sure to get them all in…

The 1st Quarter will be a wide open, no-holds-barred free-for-all. No theme, run what’cha brung! Any interpretations needed, just PM me…

***Starts MAR 15th – Ends APR 15th***

The skinny:

This will be an ongoing quarterly custom contest of action figures voted on by OG13 members through a private poll. Rules are as follows:

1. ANY size action figure is allowed!

2. Each member will be allowed a maximum of 2 submissions per quarterly contest.

3. Must be a new figure never posted anywhere else.

4. PM me (ozzie92) with your pics and/or brief bio no later than 11:59 pm of the last day. Any stands, effects or backgrounds you want to use are allowed.

5. Voting will be 1 vote per member and the poll will be open for 7 days. In the event of a tie for 1st place a new poll will be opened for those that tied to determine the quarterly winner.


– Digital trophy for bragging rights!

– $25 worth of casted parts from StarWarsGeek Custom Supply Store!

Custom Legends 2016 Dates:

Winter/Quarter 1 (The Tradition) MAR 15 – APR 15
Spring/Quarter 2 (Institutionalized) JUN 15 – JUL 15
Summer/Quarter 3 (Masters of Mayhem) AUG 15 – SEP 15
Fall/Quarter 4 (Plastic Mongers) OCT 15 – NOV 15

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Big Thanks to Star Wars Geek for sponsoring this event. Please check out his custom parts Ebay store in the link below. Top notch parts, top notch dude!

Vote NOW for February’s Custom of the Month!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on Vote NOW for February’s Custom of the Month!
Mar 032016

custom of the month


As February quietly exits stage left, a new Custom of the Month must be crowned! Seven contestants lay claim to the title, but only one can win it all… and only YOU can decide the champion! Let’s show our support for all these fine customs by casting your votes. Check the nomination list and pics below, and you can follow the individual links for more, but be sure to return here to vote!

Voting is single choice, so make yours count!



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[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for January’s Winner!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for January’s Winner!
Feb 032016

custom of the month


As January is laid to rest, a new Custom of the Month must be crowned! Six contestants lay claim to the title, but only one can prevail… and only YOU can decide who will win it all! Let’s show our support for all these fine customs by casting your votes. Check the nomination list and pics below, and you can follow the individual links for more, but be sure to return here to vote! 

Voting is single choice, so make yours count!

click to enter

The Nominees for January 2016 are…

Chopshop, by Jogunwarrior

Joe the Condor, by Dravenheart

Budo, by Jarred706

Snake Eyes, by Dravenheart

50th Heavy Metal, by Marine-73

Old Master Temujin, by Skydive

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Dr. Mindbender’s Lab Notes, 02/01/16

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Feb 012016

custom customs spotlight


Welcome, loyal subjects of the Cobra – er, OG13 empire, to the unveiling of this week’s Research and Development projects. It was a quiet week for our Techno-Vipers, who may of may not be flogged accordingly… but our Tele-Viper spies managed to recover a plethora of valuable reconnaissance in the One-Shot Thread

… Follow the link below, if you dare… COBRAAA!


[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for December’s Winner!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for December’s Winner!
Jan 072016

custom of the month

As 2015 finally comes to an end, the title for December’s Custom of the Month must be declared! For the Final Battle of 2015, eleven outstanding customs will brawl it out to lay claim to the title… Show your support for all these fine customs by casting your votes now!


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[CONTESTS] Custom Legends, 4th Quarter… VOTE NOW!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CONTESTS] Custom Legends, 4th Quarter… VOTE NOW!
Dec 302015

contest contests

The final Mt. Rushmore Custom Legends Contest for 2015 is winding down, and your help is needed to declare the winner! 11 great customs have entered the fray, and there’s still time for you to pick your favorite… so what are you waiting for?


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[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Congratulations to November’s Winner: Viper6!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Congratulations to November’s Winner: Viper6!
Dec 092015

custom of the month


After a heated battle that required sudden-death overtime (for only the second time in CotM history), Viper6’s 50th Tele-Viper emerges victorious! Big congrats to Viper6 for the huge win, and kudos to all who competed… see you next month!

Click the link below to congratulate Viper6 and see more of his winning entry!


[CONTESTS] Plastic Mongers – Mt. Rushmore Custom Legends, 4th Quarter

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CONTESTS] Plastic Mongers – Mt. Rushmore Custom Legends, 4th Quarter
Dec 022015

contest contests

From the desk of ozzie92

The 4th Quarter Plastic Mongers Mt. Rushmore contest is here!

And the theme to wrap the year up is…WIDE-FREAKIN’ OPEN. Yep, that’s right. Whatever you want.

Simple rules this time around:

1. Anonymous. Contest entries must only be submitted to ozzie92 via PM.
2. Pic of your entry must be on a white background.
3. Any size action figure is allowed.
4. Must be a new figure not posted elsewhere.
5. Each member is allowed a maximum of two entries.

Contest will be open DEC 1 – DEC 24…voting to follow after Christmas, finishing up before the new year.

Send me (ozzie92) your pics via PM between the first day, 12:01am, and the last day, 11:59pm, of the quarterly contest to be accepted as an entry. Please provide at least ONE and no more than THREE photograph(s) and a complete title for your custom figure. If you would like to provide a brief background bio for your custom you may do so.

Voting will be 1 vote per member and the poll will be open for 5 days. In the event of a tie for 1st place a new poll will be opened for those that tied to determine the quarterly winner.

Winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to StarWarsGeek Custom Supply Shop and a swanky trophy badge designed by the disorderly OG13 Staff!

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[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] November’s Poll is Now Live!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] November’s Poll is Now Live!
Dec 012015

custom of the month

As November comes to a bitterly cold close, a new Custom of the Month must be crowned! Thirteen combatants enter the melee, but only one can prevail… and only YOU can decide who is worthy of the title of Custom of the Month! Show your support for all these fine customs by casting your votes now! Check the nomination list and pics below… you can follow the individual links for more on the individual customs, but be sure to return here to vote!

Voting is multiple choice!



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VOTE NOW! Masters of Mayhem, 3rd Quarter Customs Contest

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on VOTE NOW! Masters of Mayhem, 3rd Quarter Customs Contest
Nov 172015

custom customs

*** Voting is now LIVE! Cast your vote HERE! ***


3rd Quarter’s Master of Mayhem contest will be calling for crossovers of Joes into alternate–but established–sci-fi universes and/or alternate–but established–sci-fi characters merging into Joe sub-groups (ex: BATS in Battlestar Galactica…Buck Rogers in Star Brigade). Winner will receive a digital trophy and $25 Credit from Star Wars Geek Custom Supply Store!



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[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for October’s Winner!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote NOW for October’s Winner!
Nov 042015

custom of the month



That’s right, the polls are open for October’s Custom of the Month! Show your support for your comrades-in-plastic by placing your vote in this month’s contest. There’s 12 great entries to chose from and remember, voting is multiple choice. Choose one or choose them all, just get in there and vote!



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[CONTESTS] 2015 Customs Legends Contest – NOW OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CONTESTS] 2015 Customs Legends Contest – NOW OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS
Oct 172015

contest contests


*** The contest is now LIVE! Get your submissions in by November 15th, HERE! ***

Custom Legends are back, baby! That’s right, your favorite quarterly Customs Contests have returned after a brief hiatus due to the untimely retiring of this contest’s founder, the unholy Byrnes. Now, ozzie92 has taken the reigns and dedicated the theme of this quarter’s contest, The Masters of Mayhem, to the big man himself!

Based on “About Byrnes” from his profile:

“I enjoy customizing figures from the Sci-Fi world such as Buck Rogers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Bladerunner, Mad Max and so on. Not really a GI Joe expert. Was into the toys when I was a kid in 82 and 83. Got hooked again on the 25th stuff.”

3rd Quarter’s Master of Mayhem contest will be calling for crossovers of Joes into alternate–but established–sci-fi universes and/or alternate–but established–sci-fi characters merging into Joe sub-groups (ex: BATS in Battlestar Galactica…Buck Rogers in Star Brigade).

  • ANY size action figure is allowed!
  • Each member will be allowed a maximum of 2 submissions per quarterly contest.
  • Must be new figure never posted anywhere else and no WIP photos are allowed.

Winner will receive a digital trophy and $25 Credit from Star Wars Geek Custom Supply Store!



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[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote Now for September’s Winner!

 Contests, Customs, News  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Vote Now for September’s Winner!
Oct 022015

custom of the month



That’s right, the polls are open for September’s Custom of the Month! Show your support for your comrades-in-plastic by placing your vote in this month’s contest. There’s 11 great entries to chose from and remember, voting is multiple choice. Choose one or choose them all, just get in there and vote!



click to enter

[CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Voting for August’s Contest is Live!

 Contests, Customs  Comments Off on [CUSTOM OF THE MONTH] Voting for August’s Contest is Live!
Sep 022015

custom of the month



That’s right, the polls are open for August’s Custom of the Month! Show your support for your comrades-in-plastic by placing your vote in this month’s contest. There’s 10 great entries to chose from and remember, voting is multiple choice. Chose one or chose them all, just go and vote!




Storm Shadow, by Vitruvianpro
Domino, by Dravenheart
Spy Troops Snake Eyes, by Pugsly
Throttlebot Chase, by Jogunwarrior
USMC Raider, by Pugsley
Crankcase, by Skydive
Firefly, by Skydive
Overkill, by JPNX
Darklon, by Marine-73
Quick Kick, by Marine-73

