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Jul 312012

A few weeks ago I challenged our community of customizers with the vague task of creating a custome OG13 Flint figure, or in other words…me. The criteria was simple – make him surly and scruffy.

The goal was to have a custom figure to use in when doing vehicle and weapon reviews. Sort of a plastic avatar of sorts to show scale and poseability.

The response was more than I could have hoped for. So much so, that I now turn it over to you, our community, to chose which figure you deem the best of the best.

So it is my honor to showcase eight of the customizers that reside our little corner of the internet.

To Cast Your Vote Click Here

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Jul 302012

ska_lives provides a VERY comprehensive review of the 2012 SDCC Shockwave Tank/Figure Set.

“So, as we have all seen there have been a ton of reviews of this beastly set done already and well anything more would just be flogging a dead horse. However, I feel as though I should have my say in the matter of this set and its quality, and figure another couple lashes wont hurt the corpse anymore. So without further ado….”


[Click to Read]

Jul 292012

Courtesy of iDz Bowl and the entire Mayhem crew!

“We’re really hyped up to announce our first contest as a group. I hope you all enjoy. Follow the directions of the video and get ready to have a blast with this contest! There are 3 main prize packages going out with this contest and one special package. I will explain later how the special package is going out, it’s the Mayhem’s Choice Award package. As for now check out video 1 and then proceed to video 2. Have fun with this contest and feel free to ask any questions that you might have or spam the heck out of this thread!!!

I suggest you watch it in full screen.”


[Click for Additional Videos and Information!!]

Jul 262012

We all remember the days when we went to go buy the latest G.I. Joe and they were sold out or they hadn’t come in yet, but we could get the Corps Figure which was cheaper and was just that, but we still got them anyway and played with them. You probably even remember some of their names. Well Shipshape1983 has been hard at work bringing the Corps to the Modern age and wow, what a great job he’s doing! Give it up for Shipshape1983’s Corps…

Click here to see more


Jul 262012

To celebrate one full quarter of 52 Weeks, for week 12 we have a special item donated by our own Meddatron. A beautifully custom made alley dio. AND to go along with your dio you get a Slaughters Marauders Mercer figure to battle out the action in your new dio. BIG thanks to Meddatron for donating such a wonderful item.


[Click to Enter]

Jul 262012

Ages 25 & Up has come to OG13, and now is your chance to follow the historic comic from issue 01!

From 1337W422102:

“Hey, fellas. (Evenin’, ladies. How are you?)

I’m 1337W422102, pronounced “leet warrior,” but friends understandably call me Numbers. I enjoy kicking ass, chewing bubblegum, and wishing that I had Jessie’s girl.

For about four years now, I’ve been making a weekly online comic using (primarily) G.I. Joe figures, and I thought I’d bring it here. Basically, it started as a way for me to show my friends, “Hey, look what I finally found up here in Canada!” when the 25th Anniversary figures started, and slowly became a way for a broke-ass student to justify toy purchases. (“I’ll just make a story about this character in the comic, yeah, that’s it!”)

At any rate, join me as I spam up this thread with my comics, which, I assure you, get better as time goes on.

Here’s the first story arc, which ran from August 23 to September 12, 2008. So buckle up and get ready to hit 88 MPH. Dig in and let me know what you think.”

[Click to Read More!]

Jul 252012

We have so many outstanding customizers on the site, and see so many great figures. It is nice to be able to display a bit of love for the vehicles as well. Nath_1977 does such outstanding work. Small images are displayed here (you tease!). Click the URL below to see Nath’s sub-forum, and check out the history behind the customs, as well as a plethora of full-sized images!



[Click for the Rest of Nath’s Customs]


Jul 222012

Masters of Mayhem Custom Contest came to end yesterday and the final votes were tallied! Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone who participated.

Click here to see all the amazing entries!

Third Place and winner of 3 Mars Industry Troopers

Law & Order


Second Place wins 2 MOC figures (Destro and Crimson Guard, MOC or loose your call) and a Bag of Fodder

30th Helix

And First place winner won a 30th Anniversary Steel Brigade Figure and a Huge bag of Fodder

Cobra Swamp Viper, Wetlands Specialist – Gatorbait

Congratulations and stay tuned for more contests coming up!!!


Jul 222012

From Viper6:

Here is a product I soon hope to have available for preorder as me and a group of colaborators (theprocesss, tofujesse, and alyosha) are making our best effort to produce a limited packaged production run. prototypes have shipped and packaging is in its final revision. we should be able to forecast cost and timeline soon; stay tuned! Also if you’re into venture capital and want to help support V6:OG’s efforts to bring this to the community via contributions in ANY amount, please PM me!

Additional pictures and developmental information can be found by clicking through below!

Click to Read More

Jul 222012

As promised we conducted two drawings today to award the prizes for the OG13 Call to Arms: Alcinde4′ Daughter fundraising event.

The first drawing was for a Marauder Gun-Runners $25.00 e-certificate.
All members who donated more than $5.00 were automatically eligible for this drawing.

And the winner is : Fbird311 (PM Sent)

The second drawing was for a complete set of Dollar Store Joes (donated by Lucard123).
All members who donated $35.00 or more were automatically eligible for this drawing.

And the winner is: Sonofmindbender (PM Sent)

Thank you for everyone who participated, and for once again proving that you guys are what makes this site, and this community strong.

We take care of our own.

To Comment on this Article Click Here

 Posted by at 4:28 pm
Jul 222012

Today we were able to send $650.00 to Alcinde4’s daughter – thanks fully to the generosity of OG13 members.

A word from Alcinde4:

I don’t even know where to begin… You and Anthony, and the rest of the OG’s have touched my family in an unforgettable way. I let my daughter read this message you sent me (I’m so ecstatic that she’s even able to read it), and she just cried, and cried, and cried. My family is extremely thankful and humbled by the immense outpouring of support you all have shown.

This type of kindness will resonate with us forever. I am, and forever will be an OG13.

Sincerest, most gracious regards,

Darkwise and I would like to extend a very heart-felt thank you to every member who donated to the cause, or who just dropped Alcinde4 a line in his thread to show support. Your generosity never fails to amaze.

**I will PM winners of the Marauders E-Certificate and the DS Joes drawing tonight***

To read  more about this story please click here

 Posted by at 2:32 pm
Jul 192012

Its me Viper6, author of the Crimson Cloth. I’m doing my best to promote fanfics, readerships, and literacy in the JOECOM; check it out…

From now until July 31st write a minimum of 1000 words. You’re only other criteria? Your story should involve the death and dying of a core character from the Joeverse; whether it be betrayal, lovers quarel, classic showdown, killed in combat, unforeseen accident…whatever your twisted minds can conjure.

Post your story here in one continuous post; you may edit said post any time until judging begins, edits after 31 July WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Judging will occur 01-04 August (PM me if youre interested in being a judge, if you judge, YOU CANT ENTER). Prizes (to be announced) will be awarded for first, second, and third place (I’m no slouch with prizes).

Members of other sites feel free to extend the invite, contest is open to all.

In the interem, find inspiration and entertainment in OG13‘s fanfiction section and invite other authors/readers to the site/forum.

Click to Read the Entries or Enter the Contest!!

Click for OG13’s Fiction Section

Jul 152012

From our own Lantern_Lad (yes, I need to get his reporting account setup!):

Overall thoughts on Comic-Con 2012…

Over the last 14 years the convention has grown too big. You can barely move from aisle to aisle as they squeeze over 100,000 people into the center, not to mention the people that invade downtown San Diego.

However this year it seems as though it was a kinder, gentler SDCC. The guards were polite instead of thuggish, the people were helpful, with the fellow attendees actually attempting to help one another obtain those precious sought-after items. You could really see a sense of community in this Nebula of Nerds (a phrase my wife coined). Everywhere I turned I was hearing, “Oh, I’m sorry”, “oh, excuse me”, “Have a great day!”, “Have a great Con!”, and even the occasional “please” and “thank you”… things that have not been heard in the convention center since the Hollywood invasion that began about 6-7 years ago around the time Van Helsing (yeah that pile of crap movie) debuted. Don’t ask me why it was that movie that really brought the Hollywood invasion in full force… I can’t explain it.

That being said, today, Sunday, was still better than usual, but you could see the fatigue starting to set in and the typical Southern California attitudes began to emerge. That’s when I left the convention floor, traveled upstairs (strangely enough running into Black Swan on my way up the escalator) and sat down for my only panel:

The DC Nation… moderated by Kevin Smith the Warner Bros animation team (who I learned some inside information from during lunch on Saturday… more on that in a second) where they showed clips from the upcoming season of Green Lantern the Animated Series (which is in grave danger of being cancelled), Young Justice, Teen Titans Go!, a new season of DC Nation shorts, and Beware the Batman… Which, though it looks promising, I don’t think the fans will get behind a show that WILL NOT feature ANY of Batman’s regular villains at all. No Joker, no Catwoman, no Riddler, no Penguin… none of them.

The insider information I learned at lunch on Saturday was that Thundercats is DEFINITELY cancelled… never to return. They had big plans, and HUGE… CRAZY twists… but it won’t happen. Why? Well, the studio executives blames us for not buying the toys. Yes, if we wanted more Thundercats, we had to shell over money for those shitty Bandai figures.

Additionally, if that weren’t bad enough, Green Lantern toys have been cancelled from Mattel, prompting the Warner execs to delay the start of production on season 3… unless we support the show. A season that would have featured a full out war, with a certain yellow ringed CORPS. Season 2 will feature the debut of Guy Gardner, the Manhunters, and their leader… THE ANTI-MONITOR. An odd twist, but very cool.

Hasbro: No new Joe’s on display, and no rep available to talk about Joes. Star Wars Vintage line has “run it’s course” and will not continue past the next couple of waves (if we’re lucky enough to see them at retail at all)… I can’t speak on Marvel Universe, or MOTUC, or DCUC, because, I am but one man and could not cover the entire convention. Especially since I was only there 2 days!

Black Swan or Lauren Luna may have some information on those fronts…

Now, I’m off to post photos in my other thread of scantally clad women, and nerdy guys in costume!

P.S. For those of waiting for HTS (Hasbro Toy Shop) tomorrow, be warned: They sold out of EVERYTHING Joe Saturday night. I know from experience that a complete sellout on Saturday usually means VERY FEW numbers of toys going up on the site the following Monday.

First thing this morning they were also sold out of the Super Carrier which no one thought would happen. If you want the Carbonite set, the Cliffjumper or the Marvel Villains set, you will be happy… otherwise, I think we’re going to have Jinx-gate.

Click Here for All of the Pics and Review…